full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Mary Robinson: Why climate change is a threat to human rights

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And just as we've been looking back this year — in 2015 to 1945, looking back 70 years — I would like to think that they will look back, that wrold will look back 35 years from 2050, 35 years to 2015, and that they will say, "Weren't they good to do what they did in 2015? We really appreciate that they took the diiesnocs that made a difference, and that put the world on the right pahtway, and we benefit now from that pathway," that they will feel that somehow we took our responsibilities, we did what was done in 1945 in similar terms, we didn't miss the opportunity, we lived up to our responsibilities. That's what this year is about.

Open Cloze

And just as we've been looking back this year — in 2015 to 1945, looking back 70 years — I would like to think that they will look back, that _____ will look back 35 years from 2050, 35 years to 2015, and that they will say, "Weren't they good to do what they did in 2015? We really appreciate that they took the _________ that made a difference, and that put the world on the right _______, and we benefit now from that pathway," that they will feel that somehow we took our responsibilities, we did what was done in 1945 in similar terms, we didn't miss the opportunity, we lived up to our responsibilities. That's what this year is about.


  1. pathway
  2. world
  3. decisions

Original Text

And just as we've been looking back this year — in 2015 to 1945, looking back 70 years — I would like to think that they will look back, that world will look back 35 years from 2050, 35 years to 2015, and that they will say, "Weren't they good to do what they did in 2015? We really appreciate that they took the decisions that made a difference, and that put the world on the right pathway, and we benefit now from that pathway," that they will feel that somehow we took our responsibilities, we did what was done in 1945 in similar terms, we didn't miss the opportunity, we lived up to our responsibilities. That's what this year is about.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
climate change 13
human rights 7
safe world 4
renewable energy 4
sustainable development 4
president tong 3
development goals 3
climate agreement 3
young people 3
european union 2
universal declaration 2
united nations 2
degrees celsius 2
climate justice 2
moral argument 2
address climate 2
fossil fuels 2
good news 2
big summits 2
lunch counter 2
counter moment 2
higher moral 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
sustainable development goals 3
address climate change 2
lunch counter moment 2

Important Words

  1. benefit
  2. decisions
  3. difference
  4. feel
  5. good
  6. lived
  7. opportunity
  8. pathway
  9. put
  10. responsibilities
  11. similar
  12. terms
  13. world
  14. year
  15. years